Extended Data Figure 4. Inferred PRDM9 binding motifs are enriched at DSB hotspot centres.
a-d, Refined PRDM9 binding motifs detected in the wild-type B6 mouse (a), in the homozygous humanized mouse (b), in the heterozygous humanized mouse (c) and in wild-type PWD (d). Percentages above each motif indicate the fraction of DSB hotspots that are found to harbour this motif, with each DSB hotspot assigned at most to one motif. In logo plots, letter height in bits of information determines degree of base specificity. e-g, Enrichment of the most prevalent 15bp wild-type (blue) and humanized homozygous (red) motifs within 100bp bins across a 5kb window centred on the DSB hotspot centres. Enrichments were computed for the wild-type (e), humanized (f) and heterozygous humanized (g) mice DSB hotspots.