Figure 2.
NCS-averaged OMIT maps of the Sm site superposed on the final coordinates of the Sm site. The OMIT maps (green) are calculated (§2.4) following molecular replacement, rigid-body refinement and restrained refinement by repeating the restrained refinement with the occupancies of the Sm-site nonanucleotide set to 0.01 and averaging the mF o − DF c density over the 12 NCS copies. (a) The U1-derived OMIT map contoured at 8.0σ (0.09 e Å−3) shows that at the G→U substitution U123 (marked by *) of U4 snRNA is bound in SmD1. (b) The U4–U1 hybrid-derived OMIT map contoured at 7.5σ (0.08 e Å−3) shows that the first A of the U4 Sm-site nonamer, A118 (marked by *), is bound in SmF. Figs. 2–5 and 7–10 were prepared using PyMOL (v.1.7.2; Schrödinger).