Network meta-analysis of primary efficacy and tolerability outcomes. Drugs are reported in order of efficacy ranking. Comparisons between treatments should be read from left-to-right, and the estimate is in the cell in common between the column-defining treatment and the row-defining treatment. To obtain standardized mean differences (SMDs) for comparisons in the opposite direction, negative values should be converted into positive values, and vice versa. For the primary efficacy, SMDs less than 0 favor the column-defining treatment. For the tolerability, odds ratios (ORs) higher than 1 favor the column-defining treatment. To obtain ORs for comparisons in the opposite direction, reciprocals should be taken. Significant results are in bold and underlined. CrI, credible intervals; L-ARI, low dose aripiprazole; L-OFC, low dose olanzapine/fluoxetine; PBO, placebo; S1-QTP, quetiapine (mean 250–400mg daily); S2-QTP, quetiapine (mean 150–250mg daily); S-ARI, standard dose aripiprazole; S-OFC, standard dose olanzapine/ fluoxetine; S-RIS, standard dose risperidone.