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. 2016 Feb 15;4:e1695. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1695

Table 4. Apparent source level of dolphin and whale whistles.

Species Latin name Source Location Mean ± SD (dB) Range (dB) Sample size
Hawaiian Spinner dolphins Stenella longirostris Watkins & Schevill (1974) Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii 109–125 N = 14
Lammers & Au (2003) Coastal of Oahu, Hawaii ar 153.9 ± 4.5a N = 22
150.2 ± 2.8b N = 22
Bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus Tyack (1985) Captive in aquariums, US 125 ≥ 140c
Fish & Turl (1976) Offshore Southern California waters 150–173d
Janik (2000a) Moray firth, Scotland 158 ± 6.4 134–169 N = 103
Jensen et al. (2012) Koombana Bay, Western Australia 146.7 ± 6.2e 136.8–158.0f N = 180
147.6 ± 6.4g 137.9–159.0f N = 180
Frankel et al. (2014) Gulf of Mexico 138.2 ± 8.0 114–163 N = 645
Common dolphin Deiphinus delpliis Fish & Turl (1976) Offshore Southern California waters 125–145h N = 385
Atlantic spotted dolphin Stenella frontalis Frankel et al. (2014) Gulf of Mexico 138.4 ± 8.0 115.4–163.1
White-beaked dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris Rasmussen et al. (2006) Faxafloi Bay, Iceland 148 ± 12i 124–166 N = 12
144 ± 8j 118–167 N = 43
Baiji Lipotes vexillifer Wang et al. (2006) Shishou reserve, China 143.2 ± 5.8 135.9–150.8 N = 43
Humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis Present study PRE and BG, China 137.4 ± 6.9k 114–160 N = 242
139.5 ± 6.9l 116–161 N = 242
Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus Fish & Turl (1976) Offshore Southern California waters 157–183d
Killer whale Orcinus orca Miller (2006) Johnstone strait, Canada 140.2 ± 4.1 133–147 N = 24


All source levels were in rms, except those from the study of Fish & Turl (1976), of which power spectrum range were given.


Animal moving with or towards the array


Animal moving ahead of or away from the array


Limited by the recording system


Measured from power spectrum generated by peak hold method


Measured from 95% energy window


90% CI


Measured from 200 ms running windows


Measured from power spectrum generated by sum-average method


Measured from 100 ms running window


Measured by cross-correlation functions


Measured from the 98% energy window


Measured from 200 ms running window