Clade A shows duplication of ejaculatory bulb protein 3 (Ejbp3 in four tsetse species). Clade B shows expansion of A10p—like homologs in An. gambiae while clades C and D depicts conservation of Pherokine-3 and CSP1 across the species compared, respectively. Different symbols depict CSPs from the different species at the terminal nodes: Glossina austeni (red*), Glossina brevipalpis (purple*), Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (pink*), Glossina morsitans morsitans (dark blue*), Glossina pallidipes (light orange*), Drosophila melanogaster (black*), Anopheles gambiae (sky blue*) and Musca domestica (lime green*). The symbol * represents the name of the specific CSP. Sequence alignment was performed using MuSCLE v3.8.31 and phylogeny relationship was inferred using RAxML v8 with best fitting Wheelan and Goldman (WAG) model and 1000 bootstrap iterations.