Figure 2.
Patient 6 was a 28-year-old patient who presented with a sudden onset of headache and unconsciousness. The patient underwent mitral valve replacement 6 months before. Emergency CT revealed a massive hematoma in the left fronto-parietal lobe and it received evacuation. Digital subtraction angiography showed an aneurysm located at the M4 segment of the left MCA ((a) and (b)). A hypersoft coil was introduced into the proximal segment of the aneurysm first, and then about 0.1 ml of Glubran glue was injected ((c) and (d)). Postoperative angiography (e) showed complete non-development of the aneurysm (white arrow). The 6-month follow-up angiography (f) showed the aneurysm was still completely occluded.
CT: computed tomography; MCA: middle cerebral artery