Figure 1. Schematic representation illustrating the sequence of events comprising the experimental setup.
IdU (230 mg/kg; i.p.) and BrdU (200 mg/kg; i.p.) were administered 24 and 4 hours, respectively, prior to sacrifice to time-stamp hippocampal newborn cells that underwent division. After a 20 min baseline, BDNF (or Cytochrome C) was infused, 20 minutes following BrdU administration, for 25 minutes at a speed of 80 nl/min. Subsequent BDNF-induced LTP was monitored and recorded for 195 minutes, before animals were sacrificed and tissue was collected for histological analysis. Arc/Arg3.1 antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (Arc AS) or Arc/Arg3.1 scrambled oligodeoxynucleotides (Arc ASScr) were administered 90 minutes prior to BDNF infusion for 12.5 minutes at a rate of 80 nl/min to inhibit Arc/Arg3.1 translation and block BDNF-induced LTP.