Figure 2.
NS count rate data for (a) singles counters, (b) coincidence counters, and (c) fast neutrons during the 22 September 2011 neutron event submitted. For the singles and coincidence counters, LG1 data are shown in red traces and LG2 data are shown in black traces. Borated plastic singles count rates, shown as the blue trace in Figure 2a, are multiplied by 0.2 to be seen on the same scale as the LG singles. Triple coincidence count rates, shown as the blue trace in Figure 2b, are multiplied by 3.5 to be seen on the same scale as the double coincidence count rates. The three fast‐neutron count rate peaks at rates greater than 10 cps denote neutron detections from Mercury periapsis passes and are not related to the solar particle event.