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. 2016 Feb 18;11(2):e0147719. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147719

Table 3. Costs associated with the Mujer Mas Segura intervention.

Costs Value Source
Administrative personnel $9,000a [46, 47]
Outreach workers $9,600b [46, 48]
Counseling session (30 min) $6.00 [46, 48]
RN sample collection (15 min) $3.00 [46, 48]
Testing for Gcc/CTd $22.00 MMSe, [49]
RPR $5.00 MMSe,[49]
Rapid HIV test $5.00 MMSe, [49]
HIV confirmatory test $56.00 MMSe, [49]
Syringes, gloves, speculum, other $2.00 MMSe, [49]
Azitrhromycin 1 gr $20.00 MMSe, [27]
Ceftriaxone 250 mg $12.70 MMSe, [27]
Benzathine penicillinf $10.00 MMSe, [27]
Participant’s time $6.29 [47]
Space/Utilities/mileage $7,900 MMSe

aAdministrative cost calculated at $7.25 per hour.

bTwo outreach workers at $2.35 each per hour.


dChlamydia trachomatis

eAccounting records from the Mujer Mas Segura trial

f2.4 million units