A. Representative images of stable IMCD3 (a) and NIH3T3 (b) cells with different Rc/btb2 mRNA expression levels. There was no difference in morphology.
B. Cell proliferation in stable IMCD3 (left) and NIH3T3 (right) cells. The indicated stable cells were seeded into 24-well plates, and cell number was counted for five days. There were no differences in cell number among the cells with different Rc/btb2 expression levels. C. Cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry on stable NIH3T3 cells using Diva software. a, b, and c show representative results for control, shRNA1 and shRNA3 stable cells, d shows the statistical analysis of the three stable cell lines. Notice that cell populations at different cell cycle periods are similar between the stable cell lines. D. Cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry on stable IMCD3 cells using FCSExpress. a, b, and c show representative results for control, shRNA1 and shRNA2 stable cells, d shows the statistical analysis of the three stable cell lines.