(A) Histology. (I, II) Control mice with no inflammation in the glandular stomach. (III, IV) Low- to medium-grade inflammation with abundant lymphocytes and sparse neutrophilic granulocytes in an infected mouse; representative photomicrographs were obtained from a mouse sacrificed six months post-infection; (V, VI) Severe chronic active inflammation with abundant lymphocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes in an infected mouse (three month post-infection), Upper row (I, III, V) 40× magnification, lower row (II, IV, VI) 200× magnification; Scale bars represent 100 μm. (B) Inflammation scores for antrum and corpus. C (Control), I (Infected); Active and chronic inflammation scores are combined. (C) Total inflammation scores of control and H. pylori-infected mice by month. Active and chronic inflammation of corpus and antrum are combined. n, number of mice per group in which total inflammation score was determined; Bars indicate the medians; Mann-Whitney U-Test, **p<0.02, ***p<0.0001; See also Figure S2.