A), B), and C) Representative MEA recordings of spontaneous epileptiform events occurring in the Barrel cortex of thalamocortical slices perfused with ACSF containing 8 mM KCl from a P8–10 mouse (A), P13–16 mouse (B), and P28–30 mouse (C) for all four treatment conditions. For each condition, a 30 s recording on all 60 electrodes is showed with epileptiform events occurring (top), the trace on one electrode marked by a dark gray square is magnified (middle), and one single epileptiform recorded from this electrode marked in light gray is further magnified (bottom). D) The mean frequencies of epileptiform events occurrence in a ten minute recording period per slice and condition is plotted as box and whisker plots. For each age group, the mean number of occurrence is plotted for 3 mM (open boxes) and 8 mM (filled boxes) KCl-ACSF for SHAM (dark grey), HYPO (blue), INFL (red) and HYPO+INFL (green). Dunns test: **, p<0.01; *, p<0.05.