Figure 4. Potential Approaches for Cell- and Projection-Specific Modulation of Neuronal Activity Using DREADDs.
(A) The standard approach whereby DREADDs are expressed in a cell-type-specific manner (either virally or transgenically) and then activated by systemic administration of chemical actuator.
(B) How a combination of cell-type-specific expression (e.g., localized injection of AAV-FLEX-hSyn-DREADD) and projection-specific infusion of CAV-Cre allows for the projection-specific expression and activation of DREADDs.
(C) How local infusion of a chemical actuator provides for projection-specific effects with a limited area of activation.
(D) How distinct DREADDs may be expressed in a cell-type-specific fashion to afford multiplexed chemogenetic modulation of neural activity and physiology.