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. 2015 Oct 6;36(2):340–362. doi: 10.1177/0271678X15608644

Table 1.

Localization of membrane proteins in brain endothelial cells.

Name Predominant localization Method Species References
Membrane transport proteins PGP ( = MDR1, ABCB1) Luminala,b Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Human, rat, mouse 1522
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Human, rat, killfish 2326
Measurement of transporter activity in isolated brain microvessels Rat, pig, killfish 2527
Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions of isolated brain microvessels Rat 28,29
Apicalc Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of primary cultured brain endothelial cells and brain (microvessel) endothelial cell lines Human, mouse 3032
Immunostaining of brain microvessel endothelial cell line Human 2
Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Cow 33
MRP1 ( = ABCC1) Abluminald Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Mouse 16
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23
MRP2 ( = ABCC2) Luminale Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat, killfish 25,26,34
Measurement of transporter activity in isolated brain microvessels Rat, pig, killfish 25,26,34
MRP4 ( = ABCC4) Luminalf Immunostaining of brain tissue sectionsg Human, rat, mouse 20,35,36
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23
MRP5 ( = ABCC5) Luminalh Immunostaining of brain tissue sectionsg Human, mouse 16,20,36
Apical Immunostaining of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Cow 33
Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Cow 33
ABCG2 ( = BRCP) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 37
Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Human, rat, mouse 3740
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23,41
Apical Immunostaining of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Pig 42
Na+-K+-ATPase Abluminali Cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 43
Measurement of enzyme activity in plasma membrane fractions of isolated brain microvessels Cow 43
Ca2+-ATPase Luminal Cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 44
ASCT1 ( = SLC1A4, neutral amino acid transporter A)j Luminal and abluminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 45
ASCT2 ( = SLC1A5, neutral amino acid transporter B(0)) Abluminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Rat 46
GLUT1 ( = SLC2A1, facilitated glucose transporter member 1)k Abluminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat, mouse, rabbit 4752
Luminal and abluminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Dog 53
Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Rat, mouse 37 40,54
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23
Apical and basolateral Immunostaining of brain microvessel endothelial cell line Human 2
SGLT1 ( = SLC5A1, sodium/glucose cotransporter 1) Luminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Rat 55
ATB0,+ ( = SLC6A14, sodium- and chloride-dependent neutral and basic amino acid transporter) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 56
Lat1 ( = SLC7A5, large neutral amino acids transporter) Luminal and abluminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Rat, mouse 54,57
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23
NHE1 ( = SLC9A1, sodium/hydrogen exchanger) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 58
NHE2 ( = SLC9A2, sodium/hydrogen exchanger) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 58
NKCC1 ( = SLC12A2, Na-K-Cl symporter) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 59
Mct1 ( = SLC16A1, monocarboxylate transporter 1) Luminal and abluminall Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 6062
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23
OATP1A2 ( = OATP1, SLCO1A2) Luminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sectionsg Human 36
OATP1A4 ( = OATP2, SLCO1A4) Luminal and abluminalm Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Rat 63
Prostaglandin transporter ( = SLCO2A1, PGT) Apicaln Immunostaining of primary cultured brain endothelial cells Rat 64
OATP2B1 ( = SLCO2B1) Luminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sectionsg Human 36
OCTN1 ( = SLC22A4, organic cation transporter 1) Apical Immunostaining of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Human, rat, mouse 65
Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Human, rat, mouse 65
OCTN2 ( = SLC22A5) Apical Immunostaining of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Human, rat, mouse 66
Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Human, rat, mouse 66
OAT3 ( = SLC22A8, organic anion transporter 3) Abluminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Rat 18,19
Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 23
Snat3 ( = SLC38A3, sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 3) Luminal and abluminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Mouse 54
Mfsd2a (sodium-dependent lysophosphatidylcholine symporter 1) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 66
Enzymes Alkaline phosphatase (AP) Luminal and abluminalo Cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 43
Measurement of enzyme activity in plasma membrane fractions of isolated brain microvessels Cow 43
Thiamine pyro-phosphatase Luminalp Cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 67
ecto-ATPase Abluminal Cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 44
5’-nucleotidase Abluminalq Cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 68
Measurement of enzyme activity in plasma membrane fractions of isolated brain microvessels Cow 43
Gamma-glutamyl-transferase (γGT) Luminalr Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Rat 69
Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) Luminal Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 34
Receptor proteins Transferrin receptor Luminals Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Mouse 54
Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 (S1PR1) Luminal and abluminal Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 70
Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 3 (S1PR3) Luminal Immunostaining of isolated brain microvessels Rat 70
Apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2 = low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 (LRP8)) Abluminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Mouse 71
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1 (VEGFR1) Luminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 72
Apical Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of primary cultured brain endothelial cells Rat 72
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2) Abluminal Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of brain tissue sections Mouse 72
Basolateral Immunostaining (electron microscopy) of primary cultured brain endothelial cells Rat 72
Adhesion molecules Perlecan (part of heparin sulfate proteoglycan, HSPG) Abluminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Mouse 73
Junctional adhesion molecule 1 (JAM-1) Apicalt Immunostaining of primary cultured brain endothelial cells, and of a brain endothelial cell line Mouse 74
Other Nipah virus surface glycoproteins F and G Apical and basolateral Immunostaining of primary cultured brain microvessel endothelial cells Pig 75
Caveolin-1 Apical and at apical/basolateral border Immunostaining of brain tissue sections Human 17,22
Podocalyxin Apical/luminal Immunostaining of brain tissue sections, of a brain microvessel endothelial cell line, and of HUVECs Human, mouse 2,9

Note: The above table shows predominant localization of transmembrane or membrane-associated proteins in brain microvessel endothelial cells.


 Both luminal and abluminal localization of PGP have been reported76 in rat and human brain tissue sections using immunogold staining (electron microscopy).


Peripheral inflammatory hyperalgesia promotes translocation of PGP to the luminal membrane.28


The apical localization of PGP depends on PAR-32.


 An apical localization of MRP1 has been reported in primary cultured bovine brain microvessel endothelial cells using immunostaining and Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions.33


 Both luminal and abluminal localization of MRP2 have been reported16 in mouse brain tissue sections using immunofluorescence staining.


 Both luminal and abluminal localization of MRP4 have been reported34 in isolated rat brain microvessels using immunofluorescence staining. Both apical and basolateral localization of MRP4 have been reported in primary cultured bovine brain microvessel endothelial cells using immunostaining and Western Blot analysis of plasma membrane fractions.33


 In Bronger et al.,36 sections of brain gliomas were analyzed.


 An abluminal localization of MRP5 has been reported23 in isolated rat brain microvessels using immunofluorescence staining.


 Both luminal and abluminal localization of Na+-K+-ATPase have been reported77,78 using cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of rat brain tissue sections.


 ASCT1 expression is only detectable at embryonic and neonatal stages, not at adult stages.45


 GLUT1 is predominantly expressed at the abluminal membrane; however, significant levels of GLUT1 can also be found at the luminal membrane.


 MCT1 expression shifts to the abluminal membrane during ketogenic diet.62


 An abluminal localization of OATP1A4 has been reported23 in isolated rat brain microvessels using immunofluorescence staining.


 Polar localization of PGT at the apical membrane is lost after treatment with LPS.64


 A luminal localization of alkaline phosphatase has been reported in mouse brain tissue sections using a cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy).67,79 Abluminal expression of alkaline phosphatase increases during scrapie infection.67


 Abluminal expression of thiamine pyrophosphatase increases during scrapie infection as shown by a cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of mouse brain tissue sections.67


 Abluminal expression of 5′-nucleotidase increases during scrapie infection as shown by a cytochemical analysis (electron microscopy) of mouse brain tissue sections.67


 Both luminal and abluminal localization of γGT have been reported43 using measurement of enzyme activity in plasma membrane fractions of isolated cow brain microvessels.


Both luminal and abluminal localization of the transferrin receptor have been reported80 by measuring the uptake of fluorescent immunoliposomes into isolated rat brain microvessels.


 CCL2 induces the translocation of JAM-1 from tight junctions to the apical membrane in a RHOA- and ROCK-dependent manner.74