Figure 2. DNP spectra of CoQ0-mediated AFR, 14N-CmP, and Oxo63.
X-band ESR absorption spectra (a), DNP spectra (b), representative DNP-MR images (c), and changes in the intensities of the DNP-MR images obtained for various ESR irradiation powers (c) and TESR (d), for the mixture of 1250 mM Asc and 12.5 mM CoQ0 (red), 150 μM 14N-CmP (blue) and 60 μM Oxo63 (green) solutions, and the mixture of 9 mM FMN and 9 mM NADH (orange). In (a), the doublet spectrum was recoded at 60 s after the mixing. For the mixture of FMN and NADH, in (a) a portion of the ESR absorption spectrum (Figure S-7b) is shown, and in (b) plots of the image intensities (Figure S-7d) are superimposed on Figure S-6b. The images in (c) are from Figure S-6a. Changes in the intensities of the DNP-MR images obtained for various ESR irradiation powers (d) and TESR (e), for the mixture of 1250 mM Asc and 12.5 mM CoQ0 (red), 150 μM 14N-CmP (blue) and 60 μM Oxo63 (green) solutions, and the mixture of 9 mM FMN and 9 mM NADH (orange).