Figure 7.
Correlation of non-dimensional parameters with the physical measures estimated from the resulting arterial pressure waveforms as explained in §4.5. (a) The decay number correlates well with the normalized decay time of windkessel (=HRτ). Decay time of windkessel is estimated from the slope of the diastolic arterial pressure waveform. (b) Propagation number correlates with the normalized arterial pulse transit time (=HR × PTT). PTT is the time it takes for a pulse wave to travel from the aortic inlet to the end of the aorta (reflection site), and is estimated with the foot-to-foot method. Markers (open circles) are the estimated measures (y-axis) at each known non-dimensional number value in simulations (x-axis). Dashed lines represent a linear relation between measured indices and non-dimensional parameters. HR, heart rate; τ, windkessel decay time; PTT, pulse transit time. (Online version in colour.)