Fig. 5.
Evolution of Prdm genes in chordates. Phylogenetic relationships between the studied species are shown (based on NBCI taxonomy browser). Ancestral sets of genes and gene losses are indicated as in figure 2. Gene duplications are indicated as light green boxes. Putative gene losses that have occurred in single species are not shown. For sake of simplicity, the name of the group to which belong single species, as well as a few other groups, is not indicated. Branchiostoma floridae belongs to Cephalochordata, Petromyzon marinus to Petromyzontiformes, Callorhinchus milii to Chondrichthyan, Xiphophorus maculatus and Oryzias latipes to Atherinomorphae, Latimeria chalumnae to Coelacanthimorpha, Xenopus tropicalis to Lissamphibia, Ornithorhynchus anatinus to Prototheria, and Tarsius syrichta to Tarsiiformes.