Figure 3.
Clothianidin intoxication affects response thresholds of AL neurons. (a) Example of intracellular recording traces of an AL neuron from a clothianidin-treated (10 ng) male stimulated with hexane and the sex pheromone. Bar beneath recording indicates stimulus duration (200 ms). The sketch indicates the recording level. (b) Cumulative percentage of tested AL neurons responding to the pheromone blend at different thresholds in males of five different treatment groups (sugar-fed controls, 0.25 ng and 10 ng clothianidin, 5×10−4% and 2×10−2% DMSO; n = 43–66 in 20–27 males). Values with the same letters are not significantly different (clothianidin 10 ng: a, b; clothianidin 0.25 ng: a′, b′).