FIG 8.
mGRα reinstallation in livers of GRLKO mice. (A) Two-month-old GRLKO mice were injected with PBS (n = 8), AAV-GFP (n = 8), and AAV-mGRα (n = 8). A liver Western blot with anti-GR antibody (D8H2), which recognizes both GRα and GRβ, showed that AAV-mGRα gene transfer was achieved in GRLKO mouse liver 1 month after injection. Liver samples collected from each treatment group were compared side by side. (B) Determination of endogenous GRα-regulated genes (left) and comparison of AAV-GR-regulated genes and endogenous GRα-regulated genes (right) in mouse liver. Total RNA was isolated from each group of wild-type and GRLKO mice treated with DEX or vehicle and applied to an Agilent whole-mouse one-color array. The Venn diagram on the left shows 2,192 endogenous GRα-regulated genes, and the Venn diagram on the right shows that 65% (1,562/2,402) of endogenous GRα-regulated genes overlap exogenous mGRα-regulated genes.