Fig. 3.
Locational dependence of firing rates for 4 exemplar neurons: neuron 2.22 (2nd session, 22nd neuron) (A); 2.25 (B); 5.25 (C); 6.14 (D). Note that these same neurons are highlighted in Fig. 5. For each neuron, the raster plots and peristimulus time histograms (PSTH) for each target location are in the outer 8 panes; the position of each plot is congruent with the target location used in the trials represented in the plot. PSTH plots are log-transformed and scaled between 0 and the per-neuron maximal firing rate: 59, 140, 16, and 167 spikes/s for neurons 2.22, 2.25, 5.25, and 6.14, respectively. The central pane shows the average firing rate to each direction for each trial epoch. Black, baseline; green, cue; blue, delay; red, response; gray, other.