Fig. 5.
A: effects of pinching on activity of VcTT neurons under baseline conditions [5-HT, n = 6; histamine (HA), n = 1]. B: effects of pinching during responses to pruritogens (5-HT, n = 9: HA, n = 1). Arrows indicate firing levels of the neuron responsive to HA; all other neurons were activated by 5-HT. Firing levels significantly increased (asterisk) following the end of pinch in baseline condition. Mean firing levels were not reduced, even during pruriceptive responses. C: time course of effects of pinching on mean firing levels of VcTT neurons during baseline conditions. SE are indicated in gray. Mean firing levels were ∼3-fold greater after pinching than before pinching. D: time course of effects of pinching on mean firing levels during responses to pruritogens. Mean firing level before pinching is indicated with dashed line. Mean firing levels after pinching remained elevated (above the dashed line) for most of the 55 s recorded.