Figure 3. S. cerevisiae alleles of GAL genes confer diauxic lag in 1% glucose-galactose medium.
a) Replacement of S. cerevisiae GAL sequences into S. bayanus at the endogenous loci. b) Growth of S. bayanus harboring S. cerevisiae alleles of a single GAL gene, or of all seven genes, inoculated into medium containing 1% glucose and 1% galactose. c) Each bar reports the ratio of the GMR from b to that of wild-type S. bayanus, subtracted from 1; negative values are GMRs faster than wild-type. Error bars report standard error of the mean. Asterisks, significant differences (p < 0.001, Wilcoxon rank-sum) from wild-type S. bayanus. Also shown are expected phenotypes of promoter-CDS transgenics for a single gene (horizontal lines) or seven-locus transgenics (circles on y-axis), under an additive model of contributions from the regions combined in the respective strains. d) GAL gene expression at timepoints indicated in the final panel of b.