Changes in regression model coefficients when using all-motion versus motion-specific training in a representative subject. (A) Univariate R2 values highlighted individual muscles that were correlated with multiple intended movements in this subject, including extensor carpi radialis longus (correlated with pronation, supination, and wrist extension) and extensor digitorum communis (correlated with wrist extension and hand open).Using all-motion training (B) resulted in decreases in the weighting of these muscles in their respective regression models compared to when motion-specific training was used (C). Muscle activities: PT = pronator teres, SU = supinator, FCR = flexor carpi radialis, ECRL = extensor carpi radialis, FDP = flexor digitorum profundus, EDC = extensor digitorum communis. Movement types / regression models: PR = pronation, SU = supination, WF = wrist flexion, WE = wrist extension, HC = hand close, HO = hand open.