Figure 5. Bax null retina phenocopies RGC and axon misprojection phenotype observed in the Dscam null retina.
Cartoon summarizing differences and similarities between the wild type, Bax null and Dscam mutant retina. A, Defects in dendrite lamination (1), RGC dendrite clumping (2), a decrease in developmental cell death (3), activation of JUN (4), and misprojection of axons (5) are observed in both the Dscam and Bax null retina compared to wild type. Uneven soma lamination (6) is observed in the Dscam mutant retina, but not in the Bax null or wild type retina. B, Misprojected axons were observed in the Bax null retina. N=4: A-E. Scale bar (in B) = 50 μm.