Table 4.
Outcome Measures Reported in the Six Studies Included in the Systematic Review
Author/year/country | Study design and intervention | Outcome measures | Results | Comments |
Howell et al., 1975, USA | Pre–post OMT |
RV, FVC, FEV1, TLC, arterial gases, disease severity score | Progressive decline in severity score: 10.7 Average decrease: Pco2 (p = 0.005), O2 saturation (p = 0.05), TLC (p = 0.001), RV (p = 0.05) |
Disease severity score |
Engel et al., 2014, Australia | RCT MTP and/or exercise |
FEV1, FVC, blood pressure, SGRQ, HAD, 6MWT6MWT | FVC at 24 wk (p = 0.04) (ST + SM + PR group vs. PR only) Significant increase in FVC at 24 wk (p = 0.03) Difference between groups for distance walked (6MWT) at 16 wk (p = 0.01) and 24 wk (p = 0.03) No differences between groups for SGRQ or HAD |
Adverse events reported: small number of minor adverse events |
Dougherty et al., 2011, USA | Case series SM, IASM |
FVC, FEV1 | No clinically significant change in FEV1 at 2 or 4 wk | Adverse events reported: small number of minor adverse events |
Zanotti et al., 2012, Italy | RCT OMT |
VC, FVC, FEV1, RV, 6MWD, modified Borg scale | PR and OMT gain in 6MWD (p = 0.01) PR and OMT (p = 0.05) reduction in RV, 11% |
Masarsky and Weber, 1988, USA | Case study Chiropractic techniques (including MT) |
FEV1, FVC, dyspnea, fatigue | FVC greater in phase 1 vs. baseline (6 mo); p < 0.005 FVC greater in phase 2 vs. baseline (3 mo); p < 0.005 Mean subjective coughing score during phase 2 less than baseline in phase 2 (3 mo); p < 0.005 No other changes in outcome measures were statistically significant |
Most outcome measures vs. baseline and phases 1–3 |
Engel et al., 2013, Australia | RCT MTPs and/or exercise |
FEV1, FVC, 6MWT | FVC increased in ST + SM + exercise group at 4 wk; p = 0001 6MWT increased in ST + MT + exercise and ST + MT groups vs. ST only; p = 0.0001 Dyspnea improved in ST + MT + exercise and ST + MT groups vs. ST only; p = 0.0001 |
Adverse events reported: small number of minor adverse events |
RV, residual volume; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; TLC, total lung capacity; Pco2, partial pressure of CO2; O2, oxygen level; MTP, manual therapy protocol; SGRQ, St George's Respiratory Questionnaire; HAD, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; IASM, instrument-assisted spinal manipulation; VC, vital capacity MT, manual therapy.