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. 2016 Feb 22;6:21376. doi: 10.1038/srep21376

Table 1. Associations of RSV severity with density and viruliferous characters of SBPH in Jiangsu Province (Data summed across all sites).

    Severity in unsprayed fields
Severity in sprayed fields
Preceding year Current year Following year Preceding year Current year Following year
Preceding year Q0 −0.076 −0.147 −0.117 0.098 0.067 0.133
V0 0.652** 0.528** 0.426** 0.474** 0.346* −0.008
Q1 0.014 −0.107 −0.118 −0.012 −0.056 0.012
V1 0.814** 0.756** 0.684** 0.646** 0.510** 0.195
Qmax −0.447** −0.622** −0.723** −0.465** −0.568** −0.556**
QV0 0.139 0.063 0.057 0.267 0.238 0.237
QV1 0.190 0.254 0.458** 0.151 0.197 0.196
Current year Q0 −0.015 −0.076 −0.147 0.164 0.098 0.067
V0 0.601** 0.652** 0.528** 0.645** 0.474** 0.346*
Q1 0.187 0.014 −0.107 0.180 −0.012 −0.056
V1 0.758** 0.814** 0.756** 0.775** 0.646** 0.510**
Qmax −0.356* −0.447** −0.622** −0.332* −0.465** −0.568**
QV0 0.099 0.139 0.063 0.355* 0.267 0.238
QV1 0.246 0.190 0.254 0.278 0.151 0.197
Following year Q0 −0.043 −0.015 −0.076 0.169 0.164 0.098
V0 0.456** 0.601** 0.652** 0.640** 0.645** 0.474**
Q1 0.216 0.187 0.014 0.259 0.180 −0.012
V1 0.401* 0.758** 0.814** 0.824** 0.775** 0.646**
Qmax −0.331* −0.356* −0.447** −0.239 −0.332* −0.465**
QV0 0.012 0.099 0.139 0.239 0.355* 0.267
QV1 0.291 0.246 0.190 0.479** 0.278 0.151

Q0: overwintering SBPH density, V0: viruliferous rate of overwintering SBPH, Q1: first generation SBPH density, V1: viruliferous rate of first generation SBPH, Qmax: SBPH density of peak stage, QV0: viruliferous population density of overwintering SBPH (Q0 × V0), QV1: viruliferous population density of first generation SBPH (Q1 × V1).

**significant at p = 0.01; *significant at p = 0.05.