Quantitative proteomics study of R. conorii infection in HUVECs.
A, experimental strategy. Shown is a schematic diagram of the experimental work flow for the identification of differential protein expression control (LPS-stimulated) or R. conorii-infected HUVECs. B, immunofluorescence assay. Immunofluorescence assay for rickettsial antigen (red) and nuclear DNA (blue) in HUVECs smeared on a glass slide to determine rickettsial growth. Original objective magnification was ×40. The primary antibody was a rabbit anti-R. conorii immune serum. The secondary antibody was a donkey anti-rabbit labeled with Alexa 546. C,
18O-labeling efficiency. MS spectra of two 18O-labeled peptides (HSPB1, LATQSNEITIPVTFESR, and ANXA2, GVDEVTIVNILTNR) are shown.