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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Neuroimage. 2015 Dec 19;128:167–179. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.12.026

Table 4.

Corrected trace values of each time point and the difference between term- and preterm-born groups. Results are sorted by the group effect from lower to higher p value.

Corrected trace; mean (range) Group
Pairwise comparison (p)

Time Point 1 Time Point 2 Time Point 3 Time
Point 1
Point 2
Time Point
BCC term 0.00428 (0.00391–0.00461) 0.00421 (0.00374–0.00462) 0.00410 (0.00374–0.00469) 0.009 1.90 × 10−4 3.05 × 10−4 2.88 ×10−3
preterm 0.00460 (0.00407–0.00522) 0.00445 (0.00389–0.00505) 0.00427 (0.00358–0.00515)

Lt.ILF term 0.00403 (0.00389–0.00415) 0.00372 (0.00342–0.00395) 0.00353 (0.00333–0.00373) 0.010 2.26 × 10−3 6.55 × 10−4 1.33 ×10−3
preterm 0.00419 (0.00371–0.00463) 0.00388 (0.00346–0.00428) 0.00362 (0.00339–0.00415)

Lt.V1-MT term 0.00393 (0.00365–0.00431) 0.00367 (0.00345–0.00402) 0.00340 (0.00307–0.00373) 0.031 3.82 × 10−4 1.34 × 10−2 1.30 ×10−2
preterm 0.00413 (0.00374–0.00472) 0.00379 (0.00355–0.00422) 0.00347 (0.00326–0.00387)

Rt.ILF term 0.00401 (0.00384–0.00418) 0.00367 (0.00336–0.00384) 0.00341 (0.00319–0.00355) 0.084
preterm 0.00411 (0.00372–0.00461) 0.00381 (0.00344–0.00431) 0.00351 (0.00331–0.00375)

GCC term 0.00428 (0.00405–0.00459) 0.00398 (0.00370–0.00427) 0.00378 (0.00347–0.00404) 0.088
preterm 0.00441 (0.00401–0.00480) 0.00416 (0.00365–0.00471) 0.00388 (0.00351–0.00428)

Lt.V1-V4 term 0.00369 (0.00342–0.00397) 0.00342 (0.00320–0.00371) 0.00319 (0.00301–0.00349) 0.114
preterm 0.00388 (0.00351–0.00441) 0.00357 (0.00314–0.00400) 0.00328 (0.00302–0.00361)

SCC term 0.00408 (0.00382–0.00423) 0.00387 (0.00357–0.00407) 0.00364 (0.00341–0.00400) 0.158
preterm 0.00423 (0.00391–0.00469) 0.00398 (0.00360–0.00428) 0.00373 (0.00340–0.00411)

Rt.Thal-PSC term 0.00336 (0.00320–0.00353) 0.00313 (0.00302–0.00325) 0.00299 (0.00286–0.00308) 0.170
preterm 0.00344 (0.00320–0.00372) 0.00321 (0.00299–0.00345) 0.00302 (0.00284–0.00317)

Lt.CG term 0.00369 (0.00348–0.00394) 0.00343 (0.00322–0.00368) 0.00317 (0.00306–0.00341) 0.305
preterm 0.00375 (0.00349–0.00398) 0.00351 (0.00327–0.00376) 0.00324 (0.00301–0.00341)

term 0.00345 (0.00327–0.00355) 0.00322 (0.00309–0.00336) 0.00309 (0.00292–0.00330) 0.381
preterm 0.00356 (0.00328–0.00392) 0.00330 (0.00305–0.00360) 0.00313 (0.00289–0.00333)

Rt.IFO term 0.00361 (0.00342–0.00379) 0.00336 (0.00324–0.00344) 0.00318 (0.00306–0.00328) 0.610
preterm 0.00369 (0.00345–0.00420) 0.00341 (0.00325–0.00371) 0.00321 (0.00307–0.00337)

Rt.UNC term 0.00358 (0.00345–0.00371) 0.00338 (0.00323–0.00348) 0.00320 (0.00304–0.00331) 0.857
preterm 0.00363 (0.00329–0.00393) 0.00342 (0.00325–0.00366) 0.00323 (0.00311–0.00331)

Lt.AR term 0.00330 (0.00314–0.00347) 0.00309 (0.00294–0.00323) 0.00296 (0.00284–0.00307) 0.893
preterm 0.00334 (0.00311–0.00356) 0.00314 (0.00300–0.00332) 0.00299 (0.00286–0.00316)

term 0.00348 (0.00325–0.00361) 0.00322 (0.00308–0.00343) 0.00308 (0.00290–0.00321) 0.917
preterm 0.00357 (0.00335–0.00398) 0.00330 (0.00310–0.00363) 0.00311 (0.00293–0.00340)

Lt.UNC term 0.00356 (0.00341–0.00365) 0.00335 (0.00325–0.00345) 0.00319 (0.00308–0.00329) 0.933
preterm 0.00362 (0.00340–0.00392) 0.00339 (0.00324–0.00354) 0.00321 (0.00310–0.00329)

Lt.OR term 0.00364 (0.00337–0.00382) 0.00334 (0.00310–0.00356) 0.00315 (0.00294–0.00339) 1.000
preterm 0.00371 (0.00340–0.00422) 0.00343 (0.00314–0.00380) 0.00322 (0.00302–0.00347)

Rt.V1-V4 term 0.00377 (0.00340–0.00412) 0.00348 (0.00329–0.00373) 0.00325 (0.00303–0.00349) 1.000
preterm 0.00389 (0.00344–0.00433) 0.00357 (0.00316–0.00403) 0.00332 (0.00304–0.00378)

Rt.AR term 0.00329 (0.00314–0.00344) 0.00311 (0.00292–0.00327) 0.00297 (0.00278–0.00316) 1.000
preterm 0.00331 (0.00309–0.00360) 0.00315 (0.00295–0.00333) 0.00302 (0.00282–0.00315)

Lt.Thal-PSC term 0.00344 (0.00330–0.00358) 0.00320 (0.00307–0.00334) 0.00303 (0.00294–0.00312) 1.000
preterm 0.00349 (0.00325–0.00383) 0.00325 (0.00304–0.00350) 0.00305 (0.00285–0.00325)

Rt.CST term 0.00353 (0.00340–0.00373) 0.00337 (0.00320–0.00354) 0.00322 (0.00307–0.00355) 1.000
preterm 0.00359 (0.00331–0.00394) 0.00341 (0.00312–0.00371) 0.00328 (0.00302–0.00353)

Rt.OR term 0.00383 (0.00351–0.00405) 0.00348 (0.00321–0.00370) 0.00328 (0.00309–0.00352) 1.000
preterm 0.00387 (0.00343–0.00430) 0.00357 (0.00321–0.00398) 0.00333 (0.00302–0.00370)

MCP term 0.00371 (0.00354–0.00389) 0.00346 (0.00327–0.00369) 0.00330 (0.00304–0.00374) 1.000
preterm 0.00377 (0.00348–0.00402) 0.00355 (0.00323–0.00380) 0.00332 (0.00286–0.00359)

Rt.CG term 0.00373 (0.00351–0.00400) 0.00347 (0.00330–0.00368) 0.00320 (0.00299–0.00342) 1.000
preterm 0.00375 (0.00350–0.00403) 0.00351 (0.00336–0.00389) 0.00323 (0.00302–0.00338)

Rt.V1-MT term 0.00392 (0.00367–0.00417) 0.00362 (0.00337–0.00386) 0.00339 (0.00312–0.00369) 1.000
preterm 0.00402 (0.00362–0.00438) 0.00366 (0.00326–0.00406) 0.00341 (0.00307–0.00403)

Lt.IFO term 0.00353 (0.00332–0.00374) 0.00329 (0.00313–0.00342) 0.00314 (0.00300–0.00328) 1.000
preterm 0.00357 (0.00334–0.00408) 0.00331 (0.00317–0.00349) 0.00313 (0.00296–0.00325)

Lt.CST term 0.00319 (0.00308–0.00330) 0.00306 (0.00296–0.00319) 0.00293 (0.00282–0.00311) 1.000
preterm 0.00321 (0.00302–0.00346) 0.00308 (0.00295–0.00319) 0.00294 (0.00276–0.00318)

AR = the acoustic radiation, BCC = body of the corpus callosum, CG = the cingulum, CST = the corticospinal tract, GCC = the genu of the corpus callosum, IFO = the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, ILF = the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, Lt. = left, MCP = the middle cerebellar peduncle, OR = the optic radiation, PMC = the primary motor cortex, PSC = the primary somatosensory cortex, Rt. = right, SCC = the splenium of the corpus callosum, Thal = the thalamus, UNC = the uncinate fasciculus, V1-V4 = the pathway that connects the V1/V2 and the V4, V1-MT = the pathway that connects the V1/V2 and the V5/MT+.