Figure 1.
Retinal organization for contrast. (a) A core of photoreceptors feed into a bipolar cell, while a surrounding ring of photoreceptors stimulates horizontal cells to inhibit the response. This creates a center-surround receptive field. (b) Edge recognition. A spot of light in the center or surround will excite or inhibit—but overall illumination (third example) balances the two and is hardly recognized. An edge (bottom example) illuminates the center and surround disparately, and is perceived well. Image details: (a, b) M F Marmor, after reference 2. Notes: Google: Google Art Project (free Access); MMA: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA (free access); MFM: Michael F Marmor; NGA: National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA (free access); Wiki: Wikimedia Commons and Foundation (free access).