Table 2.
APP profession | NP | CRNA | PA |
Education | 7–8 years | 7–8 years | 5–7 |
Recognized # of countries | 50+ (have or in development) | 107* | 6 |
Professional scope of practice | Assessment, diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions, patient management, referrals | Administer full range of anesthesia services, pre and post-operative assessments, in every setting where anesthesia is available | Assessment, diagnosis, treatment, prescriptions, patient management, referrals |
Independent practice? | Most (US) | Yes | No. Requires physician supervision. |
# (US) professionals | >205,000 | >50,000 | >95,000 |
Impact (US) | 900 million patient visits | Administer 34 million anesthetics annually (2012) or 65 % of all US anesthesia | Unavailable |