A. Encapsulation efficiency of GM-CSF (detected by ELISA) in alginate cryogels following polymerization, washing, and sterilization; GM-CSF was incorporated in the presence (+) or absence (−) of CpG ODN in the cryogel. B. Cumulative release of GM-CSF from alginate cryogels over a period of 6 weeks in vitro; blue: cryogels containing only 1.5 μg GM-CSF, red: cryogels containing 1.5 μg GM-CSF+50 μg CpG ODN. C. Encapsulation efficiency of CpG-ODN (detected by an OliGreen assay) in alginate cryogels post polymerization, washing, and sterilization; CpG ODN was incorporated in the presence (+) or absence (−) of GM-CSF in the cryogel. D. Cumulative release of CpG-ODN from alginate cryogel matrices over a period of 6 weeks; green: cryogels containing only 50 μg CpG ODN, red: cryogels containing 1.5 μg GM-CSF+50 μg CpG ODN. Values represent mean and SD (n= 5). Differences between groups were statistically significant. Data were analyzed using Student's t test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.