Fig. 4. Papilloma growth curves at 12 months post immunization with AAVLP (HPV16/31L2) vaccine.
Two groups of rabbits were vaccinated with either AAVLP without peptide insert (A) or AAVLP (HPV16/31L2) vaccine in Alum + MPL as described in Section 2 (and Supplementary Fig. S3). Each vaccine group contained 5 rabbits and each rabbit was challenged at duplicate skin sites for each HPV QV preparation. Mean + SEM of geometric mean diameter (GMD) measurements of HPV QV and native CRPV-induced rabbit papillomas vaccinated with AAVLP without adjuvant (A), and AAVLP (HPV16/31L2) in Alum + MPL (B). Papillomas were induced at 18 sites on each rabbit with 5 μL of HPV16/CRPV (●), HPV18/CRPV (○), HPV31/CRPV (▼), HPV35/CRPV (△), HPV39/CRPV (■), HPV45/CRPV (□), HPV58/CRPV (♦), HPV59/CRPV (◇) and wild-type CRPV (▲).