Figure 3. BOLD summation in the absence of neural nonlinearity associated with stimulus summation, with the 6-s stimuli.
(See Figure 3—figure supplement 1 for results obtained with the 1-s stimuli, which are qualitatively identical.) (A) The stimuli used in the BOLD summation experiment. The full stimulus display subtended 24°(w) x 19°(h). Stimulus types A and B are single-sided stimuli, while type A+B is a double-sided stimulus. BOLD responses associated with the outer checkerboard discs were extracted from the corresponding ROIs. These outer discs were of diameter 4° and centered at an eccentricity of 7°. (B) Estimated peristimulus time courses from V1-V3 for the three stimulus types at five different contrast levels. Red and magenta represent responses (lines) and ± SE (bands) to the single-sided stimuli, and green represents responses to the double-sided stimuli. Black dashed lines represent the predictions of linear BOLD summation, which overestimated the measured responses (green bands). Gray bars on the abscissa indicate the duration of the stimulus (6 s). (C) The contrast response functions of V1-V3 as defined by the amplitudes of the time courses. The amplitude of a time course was taken to be the average response between 7–9 s post-stimulus onset when the response typically reached its peak. The red lines represent the average single-sided response amplitudes as a function of luminance contrast. The green lines represent the average double-sided response amplitudes. The gray bands represent the predicted responses (68.2% confidence interval) evoked with the double-sided stimulus under the assumption of linear BOLD summation (i.e. the summed response to conditions A and B), and the magenta bands represent the prediction of contrast summation – the equivalent contrast of a double-sided stimulus being twice that of the corresponding single-sided stimulus. The measured double-sided responses were significantly lower than the predictions of linear BOLD summation and higher than that of contrast summation.