Figure 4. Extracellular electrophysiology during whisker-guided locomotion.
(a) Schematic showing silicon probe recordings during open loop trials. The wall was moved in and out of different fixed distances from the mouse during a period of 4 s. (b) Coronal section through the brain of an Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre x RCL-ChR2-EYFP mouse acquired with green filter showing the barrels. Image acquired with orange filter is superimposed on top showing the track of the silicon probe coated in DiI. Electrolytic lesion is seen at the end of the DiI trace. Location of the probe is identified as C3 barrel. (c) Example spike rasters of regular spiking units during open-loop trials. Each row of the raster corresponds to one trial and each dot corresponds to one spike. The color of each dot represents the position of the wall at the time of the spike. Recordings are performed around C1 and C2 barrels. Only trials with running speed over 3 cm/s are represented. (d) Corresponding tuning curves to wall distance for the spike rasters shown in B (mean ± SE over trials). (e) Histogram of the location of tuning curve peaks. (f) Scatter plot of tuning curve suppression vs. activation. Activation is the difference between peak rate and baseline rate when the wall is out of reach. Suppression is the difference between minimum rate and baseline rate. (g) Heatmaps of z-scored tuning curves for units activated by more than 1 Hz (top) and units suppressed by more than 1 Hz (bottom) sorted by the location of the maximum and minimum wall distances respectively. Units that were both activated and suppressed appear in both plots. (h) Histogram of the tuning modulation, defined as the ratio of the difference between the activation and suppression divided by the sum of the activation and suppression. Units that are just activated have modulation 1, units that are just suppressed have modulation −1, and units that are both activated and suppressed have a modulation near 0. (i) Modulation index as a function of laminar position. Light gray, units classified as layer 2/3; medium gray, layer 4; dark gray, layer 5.