(A-E) Representative images of FasII immunostaining at NMJs that are (A) wild type, (B)
Cskc04256/Cskj1D8, (C) expressing Csk-RNAi in muscle and neurons, (D) expressing Csk-RNAi in only muscle, and
(E) expressing Csk-RNAi in only neurons. (F) Average values for synaptic FasII fluorescence intensity normalized to synapse area and normalized to wild type. (G) Western blot of FasII (DSHB 1D4 antibody) in protein extracts from whole third instar larvae. (H, I) Relative quantification of (H) total FasII intensity and (I) the intensity of the lowest molecular weight FasII band (the ‘third band’). Quantification in H and I is shown as a fold change relative to wild type. Values on/above bars indicate the number of biological replicates for each genotype. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, ns—not significant (p > 0.2) by Student’s T-test compared to wild type.