Size of practice |
How many general practitioners, including those working part time, currently work at your clinic?
Presence of nurses |
How many nurses currently work at your clinic?
Information technologies used in the practice |
In your clinic, do you use… |
access to the health and social services telecommunications network?
a Web-based appointment system for patients?
computerized tools for continuing professional education?
electronic medical records?
electronic interface to diagnostic imaging laboratory services?
computerized tools to aid medical decision-making?
Blood taking service available in the same building |
Are the following services available in the building where your clinic is located… |
Blood samples taking?
Radiology available in the same building |
Are the following services available in the building where your clinic is located… |
Collaboration with other PHC practices |
Does your clinic have formal or informal arrangements with other PHC clinics… |
to schedule services offered?
to access to technical services?
to exchange resources?
Collaboration with hospitals |
Does your clinic have formal or informal arrangements with hospitals… |
to schedule services offered?
to access to technical services?
to exchange resources?
Predominant type of visits in the practice |
What percentage of walk-in visits to all visits do you provide at your clinic? |
0% to 25% = By-appointment visits |
26 to 75% = Mixed |
51% or more = Walk-in visits |
Quantity of diagnostic or therapeutic services available in the practice |
At your clinic, are the following services available… |
Skin biopsy?
IUD insertion?
Musculo-skeletal injection/aspiration?
Suture/minor surgery?
Cervical smear (Pap test)?
Childhood vaccination?
Influenza vaccination?
3 or less among these = Few |
4 or 5 among these = A fair number |
6 or more among these = Several |