Accessibility of services |
if the doctor who is responsible for your care is not available, you can see another doctor? |
0. Never/Sometimes/Often |
1. Always |
how long does it take to see the doctor by appointment? |
0. Two weeks or more |
1. Less than two weeks |
how long does it usually take to get there? |
0.15 minutes or more |
1. Less than 15 minutes |
the office hours are convenient? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
it is easy to reach someone by telephone to make an appointment? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
it is easy to talk to a doctor or nurse by telephone? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
Continuity of care |
you see the same doctor? |
0. Never/Sometimes/Often |
1. Always |
how long have you been going there? |
0. Five years or less |
1. More than 5 years |
your medical history is known? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
they are aware of all the prescribed drugs you take? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
you can receive routine ongoing care for a chronic problem? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
Responsiveness |
how long do you have to wait between the scheduled time of appointment and the time you actually see the doctor? |
0. Less than 60 minutes |
1. 60 minutes or more |
the staff answer your questions clearly ? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
you feel respected? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
you are greeted courteously at the reception? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
your physical privacy is respected? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the doctors spend enough time with you? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the local of the clinic are pleasant? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
Comprehensiveness |
all your health problems are taken care of whether they are physical or psychological? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the doctor takes the time to talk to you about prevention and asks you about your lifestyle habits? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
they help you get all the health care services you need? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
your opinion and what you want are taken into account in the care that you receive? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
you are given help to weigh the pros and cons when you have to make decisions about your health? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
Outcome of care |
the services you get help you to better understand your health problems? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the services you get help you to prevent certain health problems before they appear? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the services you get help you to control your health problems? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the professionals you see encourage you to follow the treatments prescribed? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
the professionals you see help motivate you to adopt good lifestyle habits? |
0. Not at all/A little/Somewhat agree |
1. Strongly agree |
Unmet needs |
During the last 6 months, did you feel you needed to see a doctor for a health problem but didn't see one? |
0. No |
1. Yes |