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. 2016 Feb 24;15:31. doi: 10.1186/s12939-016-0324-x

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Discriminant analysis: Correlation of items with linear discriminant functions (LDF). Lit: Literacy (Not: Illiterate, Part.: Partially literate, Fully: Fully literate); LMS: Labor market status (Not: Not working, PTM: Professional, technical and manager occupations, Clerical: Clerical occupations, Sales: Sales occupation, Agric. (self-empl.): Agriculture (self-employed), Agric. (emp): Agriculture (employee), HH & dom: Household and domestic occupations, Services: Service occupations, Sk. man.: Skilled manual, Unsk. man.: Unskilled manual); Circumcised: Is respondent circumcised; # children: Total number of children born; Rural: Rural residence; Reg,: Region (Urb. Gov.: Urban governorates, Low.-R: Lower Egypt – Rural, Low.-U: Lower Egypt – Urban, Up.-R: Upper Egypt – Rural, Up.-U: Upper Egypt – Urban, Frontier. Gov.: Frontier governorates); Ed: Education level of respondent (None: No formal education, Prim.: Primary education, Sec.: Secondary education, High.: Higher education); Wealth: Wealth index