ICP-OES quantification of TT1 intracellular and extracellular AgNWs following 1 hour and 24 hour treatment. (A) TT1 cells took up approximately 53% of the 25 μg of AgNWs applied, following 1 hour exposure, and 66% of the 25 μg of AgNWs applied, following 24 hour exposure. Pre-incubating the AgNWs with Curosurf® resulted in a slightly higher uptake; TT1 cells took up approximately 58% of the 25ug of AgNWs applied, following 1 hour exposure, and 84% of the 25 μg of AgNWs applied, following 24 hour exposure. The amount of AgNWs quantified extracellularly and the total amount of AgNWs recovered (intra- + extracellularly) is show in B and C.