Fig. 4.
Total, shoot (open bars) and root (grey bars) biomass of L. myrsinoides (A) and U. europaeus (B) grown in high (HL) or low light (LL), and uninfected (minus) or infected (plus) with C. pubescens. (C) Independent effect of infection on total, shoot (open dotted bar) and root biomass (dotted grey bars) of U. europaeus (left bar, average of uninfected HL and LL plants pooled; right bar, average of infected HL and LL plants pooled). (D) Independent effect of light on total, shoot (open dotted bar) and root biomass (black bars) of U. europaeus (left bar, average of uninfected and infected HL plants pooled; right bar, average of uninfected and infected LL plants pooled). Letters indicate significant differences for total (a–c), shoot (l–n) and root (x–z) biomass; bars are means (±1 s.e.) and n = 5 (A), 6 (B) and 12 (C, D).