Fig. 5.
Effect of dwarfing genes on root growth under low and high P. NILs were grown in soil amended with a low-P (white bars) and a high, non-limiting P (shaded bars) treatment. Roots were harvested, washed, and scanned with WinRHIZO. Fine roots were defined as having diameters of <0.36mm and thick roots were ≥0.36mm. Dashed lines are for NILSD at low P. Data show means±SE (n=6). Two-way ANOVA was performed on each set of data. For (A), genotype was significant at P<0.01, but P treatment and interactions were non-significant. For (B), genotype was significant at P<0.01 and P treatment was significant at P<0.05, but the interaction was non-significant. For (C), genotype was significant at P<0.01 (NILTall>NILDWF=NILDWF) and P treatment was significant but the interaction was non-significant. Data with different letters were significantly different from one another.