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. 2016 Feb 19;4(2):2325967116629368. doi: 10.1177/2325967116629368


Demographic and Clinical Variables for Students in Pre–Sports Participation Physicals (N = 7705)a

Age, y, mean ± SD 15.5 ± 1.17
Age, y, n (%)
 14 2109 (27.4)
 15 1993 (25.9)
 16 1976 (25.6)
 17 1297 (16.8)
 18 330 (4.3)
Sex, male/female, % 69.4/30.6
Ethnicity, n (%)
 Black 5119 (66.4)
 White 2257 (31.9)
 Hispanic 90 (1.2)
 Asian 39 (0.5)
Anthropometric measures
 Height, cm, mean ± SD 171.7 ± 11.1
 Weight, kg, mean ± SD 74.4 ± 19.9
 BMI, kg/m2, mean ± SD 24.9 ± 6.0
  Normal, % 56.2
  Overweight, % 20.3
  Obese, % 23.5
Hemodynamic measures
 Systolic BP, mm Hg, mean ± SD 122.7 ± 13.1
 Diastolic BP, mm Hg, mean ± SD 69.6 ± 9.4
 <90th percentile, % 66.5
 90th-94th percentile, % 12.2
 ≥95th percentile, % 21.2
Physical examination by sport, n (%)b
 Football 3585 (46.5)
 Basketball 2191 (28.4)
 Track and field 1057 (13.7)
 Baseball 727 (9.4)
 Soccer 627 (8.1)
 Softball 360 (4.7)
 Cheerleading 356 (4.6)
 Cross country 205 (2.7)
 Tennis 190 (2.5)
 Volleyball 80 (1.0)
 Golf 58 (0.8)
 Swimming 26 (0.3)
 Lacrosse 2 (<0.1)
 Wrestling 1 (<0.1)
 None 913 (11.8)

aBMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure.

bPercentages total to greater than 100% due to multisport athletes.