“How have you or others addressed [INSERT RISK FACTOR BELOW] among the justice-involved veterans you serve?” “What has worked well to address this issue?”
[Substance abuse] “…problems with alcohol or drugs”
[Family/marital dysfunction] “…marital or family problems”
[Lack of positive school or work involvement] “…limited education or employment problems”
[Lack of prosocial activities/interests] “…limited leisure or recreational activities”
[Antisocial tendencies] “…antisocial tendencies or traits,” “…criminogenic thinking,” “…antisocial thinking”
[Antisocial associates] “…close relationships with others who engage in criminal activity”
“What is your experience or familiarity with the following treatments for recidivism?”
“…Moral Reconation Therapy, or MRT?”
“…Thinking 4 Change, or T4C?”
“…Reasoning & Rehabilitation?”