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. 2016 Feb 24;11(2):e0150076. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150076

Table 3. Medical characteristics of children according to IMCI algorithma.

Hypoglycemia Low glycemia Euglycemia Hyperglycemia P Total
n = 15 (4.2%) n = 99 (28.2%) n = 201 (57.4%) n = 35 (10.0%) n = 350 (100%)
Glycemia (mmol/L) 1.9 [1.7–2.0] 3.8 [3.7–3.9] 5.3 [5.1–5.5] 9.6 [8.9–10.3] <0.001 5.2 [5.0–5.4]
Duration of prior illness (days) 5 [4–9] 5 [3–7] 4 [3–8] 5 [3–9] 0.8 5 [3–8]
Had treatment before admission 11 (73.3) 79 (79.8) 164 (81.5) 22 (62.8)a 0.09 276 (78.8)
Daytime admission (6am-6pm) 9 (60.0)a 70 (70.7) 151 (75.1) 22 (62.8) 0.31 252 (72.0%)
Duration of fasting (hours) 13 [1–19]c 3 [2–5] 2 [1–3] 2 [0–3] 0.001 2.5 [1–4]
Anthropometrics measurements
Weight (kg) 12.5 [8.7–20.0] 14.7 [12.6–16.8] 15.3 [13.9–16.6] 11.1 [8.2–14.1]a 0.01 14.6 [13.5–15.6]
Height (cm) 84.5 [71.7–99.6] 91.4 [87.0–96.0] 91.0 [87.4–94.8] 91.0 [87.4–94.8] 0.001 89.2 [86.5–92.0]
Vital signs
Temperature (°C) 38.0 (37.4–38.5) 37.6 (37.4–37.8) 37.6 (37.4–37.7) 37.8 (37.4–38.1) 0.39 37.6 (37.5–37.7)
Respiratory frequency 41.2 [33.8–48.6]a 30.8 [28.7–32.9] 34.3 [32.2–36.4] 51.7 (45.3–58.0)c <0.001 35.4 (33.7–37.0)
IMCI criteriaa
General danger signs 14 (93.3)a 61 (61.6) 82 (40.7) 15 (42.8) c <0.001 172 (49.1)
-Unable to drink or to breastfeed 7 (46.6)c 10 (10.1)c 3 (1.4) 2 (5.7) 0.001 22 (6.2)
-Vomiting 11 (73.3)a 54 (54.5)a 72 (35.8) 11 (31.4) 0.001 148 (42.2)
-Convulsions 6 (40.0)c 8 (8.0) 15 (7.4) 4 (11.4) 0.001 33 (9.4)
-Lethargy or unconsciousness 11 (73.3) 8 (8.0) 10 (4.9) 4 (11.4) 0.001 33 (9.4)
Severe IMCIa 14 (93.3)a 68 (68.8) 124 (61.6) 32 (91.4)c 0.47 218 (62.2)
Cough and respiratory difficulties
-Severe pneumonia 2 (13.3) 4 (4.0)a 34 (16.9) 21 (60.0)c <0.001 61 (17.4)
-Pneumonia 0 2 (2.0) 6 (2.9) 0 0.001 8 (2.2)
-Acute diarrhea 6 (40.0)b 31(31.3)c 23 (11.4) 2 (5.7) <0.001 62 (17.7)
-Severe dehydration 5 (33.3)c 7 (7.0)c 0 0 <0.001 12 (3.4)
-Moderate dehydration 2 (13.3) 25 (25.2)c 16 (7.9) 1 (2.8) 0.001 44 (12.5)
-Very severe febrile disease 2 (13.3)b 50 (50.5) 97 (48.2) 12 (34.2) 0.02 161 (46.0)
Ear disorder
-Mastoiditis 0 0 1 (0.5) 1 (2.8) 0.25 2 (0.5)
-Chronic ear infection 1 (6.6) 1 (1.0) 8 (3.9) 1 (2.8) 0.32 11 (3.1)
Nutritional status
-Severe malnutritiond 4 (26.6) 11 (11.1) 22 (10.9) 9 (25.7)b 0.02 46 (13.1)
-Moderate malnutrition 1(6.6) 9 (9.0) 25 (12.4) 4 (11.4) 0.8 39 (11.1)
Severe Anemia 2 (13.3) 9 (9.0) 13 (6.4) 3 (8.5) 0.19 27 (7.7)
Immunization status
-No immunization 3 (20.0)b 12 (12.1) 18 (8.9) 7 (20.0) 0.18 40 (11.4)
-Incomplete immunization 4 (26.6) 16 (16.1) 25 (12.4) 4 (11.4) 0.15 49 (14.0)
SaO2 (%) 91.1 [86.4–96.9]a 97.3 [96.5–98.1] 96.2 [95.4–97.0] 86.1 [82.2–90.2]c 0.001 95.1[94.3–95.9]
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 9.8[7.9–11.7] 8.4 [7.6–9.1] 9.1 [8.7–9.6] 9.6 [8.5–10.8] 0.1 9.0 [8.6–9.4]
Duration of hospitalizatione 4 [3–10]a 2 [1–4] 2 [1–4] 4 [3–7] 0.006 2 [14]
Deaths 10 (66.6)c 6 (6.0)c 3 (1.4) 2 (5.7) <0.001 21 (6.0)
Death within 24 hr 3 (20.0)c 5 (5.0)b 1 (0.5) 0 <0.001 9 (2.5)
Time to death (days) 3.9 (1.2–6.5) 1.6 (0–3.9) 3.6 (0–13.1) 1.5 (0–20) 0.5 3.0 (1.6–4.3)
Age at death (months) 35.9 (7.2–64.5)b 46.6 (5.4–87.7) 52.2 (49.8–154.2) 0.6 49.7 (28.6–70.9)

Numbers and (percentages). Median and (interquartile range), Mean and [95% confidence interval]

aIMCI: integrated management of childhood illness

bp ≤0.05 when compared to euglycemia

cp ≤ 0.001 when compared to euglycemia (details are provided in the text)

dWeight for height or height for age or weight for age or BMI ≤ 3 Standard Deviation (WHO 2006)

edays of hospitalization for survivors.