Convulsive ergotism |
C. purpurea |
Ergoline |
Ergotoxin, ergometrine, ergotoxin (lysergic acid amines including lysergic acid, lysergol, ergine) |
Writhing, tremors, twisted neck or head tilt (torticollis), confusion, hallucinations, tingling sensation underneath the skin (formication) and death |
Gangrenous ergotism |
C. purpurea |
Ergopeptine (total dietary concentrations of >100–200 ppm can lead to death) |
Ergotoxin, ergometrine, ergotoxin (lysergic acid amines), ergovaline, ergocryptine |
Vasoconstriction, hot and cold feelings in the extremities, cold skin, spontaneous abortion, heat stress, severe lameness, reduced feed intake, reduced growth rate, agalactia, and gangrene. Ergocryptine affects prolactin levels and greatly reduces or eliminates milk production for lactation |
Enteroergotism |
C. fusiformis |
Unknown |
Clavine |
Nausea, vomiting, somnolence, and giddiness |
Hyperthermic ergotism |
A. coenophialum, C. africana, C. cyperi, C. purpurea, C. sorghi |
Unknown |
Ergotamine, ergosine, and agroclavine |
Fever, diarrhea, clear nasal discharge, weight loss, labored breathing, increased metabolic rate, excessive salivation, and low levels of prolactin |