Target gene mRNAs were quantified by qRT–PCR in brown preadipocytes expressing different levels of miR‐455 (v, vector).
Protein levels of the target genes were determined by Western blots in brown preadipocytes transduced with vector or miR‐455 lentiviruses.
Densitometry quantification of Western blots in (B).
Reporter plasmids containing luciferase cDNA linked to 3′ UTR of target genes (HIF1an, Runx1t1, and Necdin) were transfected into brown preadipocytes along with different dosages of either scramble oligos (scr), miR‐455 mimics, or antimiR‐455 inhibitors and analyzed for luciferase activity.
Data information: Data were analyzed with Student's
t‐test and are presented as mean ± SEM of a representative from three independent experiments each performed in triplicates (*
P < 0.05, **
P < 0.01, and ***
P < 0.001).