Fig. 1.
BAT93 assembly overview. a An example of a genotype-by-sequencing (GBS) profile for the scaffold scaffold00017. The defined mis-assembly point is at the center. Colors indicate different variants between the GBS samples and the reference genome: blue, homozygous variant; light blue, heterozygous variant; grey, absence of any variant. Colors correspond to the linkage groups. b Synteny-like comparison of one-to-one ortologs between BAT93 (green) and G19833 (brown) linkage groups. Colors correspond to the linkage groups, as in (c). c Circos plot representing the gene content and transcriptome maps of the linkage groups of P. vulgaris. The outer ring represents the localization of genes across bean linkage groups. Grey regions are meant to contain genes and white regions depleted from annotated genes. The red line shows the repeat coverage across the linkage groups. Below, squares of different colors represent different types of genes: red, smallRNAs; blue, lncRNAs; yellow, legume-specific; black, resistance. The inner rings below the horizontal bar delineating the linkage groups represent RNA-Seq coverage for the different organs: axial meristem, flower, pod, seed, leaf, root and stem