A, CitK (green) highly polarizes to the ventricular pole during metaphase (arrowheads in top panels) in wildtype littermates (Dlg5+/+), while CitK localization is diffuse in Dlg5−/− mitoses. A mouse monoclonal phosphovimentin55 antibody (phVim, red) labels M-phase cells, and TO-PRO®-3 iodide staining confirms metaphase cells. Scale bar, 10 µm. The metaphase cells are outlined, and ‘a’ indicates ventricular pole and ‘b’ indicates the abventricular pole of mitotic cells. The dotted lines represent the ventricular-abventricular axis and perpendicular half lines, as depicted in B. The graph in C shows the ratio of CitK immunopositivity in the ventricular half relative to the abventricular half of each cell (B). Dlg5−/− metaphase cells display nearly equal amount of CitK expression in ventricular and abventricular halves of the cells, while Dlg5+/+ metaphase cells maintain higher CitK expression in ventricular side (n=3 brains for either wildtype or Dlg5−/−, 5 cells from each brain and total 15 cells were quantified for each condition).