Fig. 3.
Labeling efficiency of PLs and LPLs by diazomethane generated in situ. A, B: The 1H- and D-labeled 17:0/14:1-PE, -PG, -PS, -PA, and -PI were detected by PIS at m/z 535 that corresponds to [DG 17:0/14:1+H-H2O]+. C, D: The 1H- and D-labeled 17:1-LPA, -LPE, -LPG, -LPS, and -LPI were detected by PIS at m/z 325 that corresponds to the [MG 17:1+H-H2O]+. No unlabeled PLs and LPLs were detected in the isotopically labeled samples, demonstrating the labeling was close to complete.