Fig 3. Metrics of structured activity vs post-synaptic time duration.
a) Metrics Q0 (in solid line) and Qd (dashed) as a function of the pulse time scale for the parameter values {ΔV,g} = {5 mV,8} corresponding to the maximum Q0 value in Fig 2(d). Probability distribution functions P(CV) (P(CV2)) for the coefficient of variation CV (local coefficient of variation CV2) are shown in b) (in c)) for three representative τα = {2, 9, 20} ms, indicated in the three panels with red squares, blue triangles-up and black circles respectively. For these three cases the average firing rate in the network is 〈ν〉 = {8.81,7.65,7.35} Hz ordered for increasing τα-values. Other parameters as in Fig 1.